What to Do about Cancer

This is why one of the first lessons in grade seven biology class is on the structure and function of your cells. Remember learning about mitochondria, endoplasmic reticula, ribosomes, and nucleoli? These organelles and the plasmic fluid (cytoplasm) that they are suspended in are found in all of your cells.
In both children and adults, cellular division is an ongoing process that creates new cells to replace cells that die of old age or injury - the average adult loses somewhere between 50 to 70 billion cells per day, and this steady loss of cells is perfectly balanced with new cell formation to keep things in balance.
In a growing child, cellular division is necessary for growth.
Do I believe that malignant cells can be destroyed and washed away by our self healing mechanisms? Absolutely. I've seen it happen. And I think it's safe to say that it happens in all of us to some degree every day. Each of us has many trillions - that's many thousands of billions - of cells with many millions dividing and being replaced every hour. In my mind, it's almost an absolute certainty that all of us have some cancerous cells at all times, but in a relatively healthy state, our bodies are able to destroy and remove such cells before they cluster together in enough numbers to create a mass that's significant enough to create trouble. (Apoptosis is the medical term for cellular self destruction or programmed cell death that occurs with aged and/or diseased cells.)
Very generally, I support and encourage surgical excision of malignant masses when a surgeon or group of surgeons have done due diligence with a comprehensive diagnostic workup and strongly feel that the potential benefits of surgical excision outweigh the potential risks of not excising a malignant tumor.

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