What are Blood Cancer and Natural Cure for Blood Cancer

Blood cancer is a condition where cancerous cells have attacked the blood, bone marrow or lymphatic system. This type of cancer is malignant and has the ability to spread and destroy tissues. In the case of leukemia, the cancer interferes with the body's ability to make blood. Leukemia attacks the bone marrow and the blood itself, causing fatigue, anemia, weakness, and bone pain.

To prevent and cure cancer we must keep our body’s immune system high. This is done by following eight simple rules that I will briefly cover here. Lots of fresh air, using lots of pure water, eating lots of wholesome natural foods, getting sufficient rest, moderate daily exercise, getting outside in the sun everyday, being temperate in all we eat and do and having faith in God.

Researchers at the University of Victoria in British Columbia did a careful follow up on 200 persons who underwent a "spontaneous remission of cancer". They found that 87% of those persons had switched diets, usually to a vegetarian diet.

Cancer is caused because of poor immune system which can be rectified by adequate intake of nutrients like Vitamin B and C, fibers, folic acid, copper, magnesium and iron. All these nutrients are present in black raspberries. So far researches have suggested that black raspberries may prevent colon and esophagus cancers. The mix of compounds in black raspberries can also kill leukemia cells without damaging healthy cells and tissues. This is something the current treatments of leukemia, that is radiation and chemotherapy, have not been able to achieve. Now according to the latest finding, blackberries may also help combat oral cancer too. Black raspberries can be taken in any form – fruit, tea, juice and can be mixed with honey too. Raspberry retains its potency of ellagic acid even after heating, freezing and processing

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