Daily Moisturizers Shown to Cause Cancer

A team at Rutgers University led by Allen Conney found that skin cancer tumors increased up to 95% in high risk mice when treated 2 different daily moisturizers.
1: Studies in mice aren't valid for humans - This is a boldfaced lie perpetuated by corporations to keep their toxic products on shelves. Remember big tobacco? There was substantial evidence dating from W.W.II on the definite link between coal tar from tobacco smoke and cancer. Numerous studies done in mice proved this connection, but were continually dismissed until the link became too apparent to ignore.
Manufacturers want you to wait and continue using their products while more research is being done. I'd rather not wait until I'm 60 to find out that half the products I've been using are carcinogenic (if I'm still alive).

2: These products have been tested - Personal care and cosmetic products have no regulation or requirements for testing. Most products are tested through independent clinical trials, but aren't required to publish the results.

There is no governing body that regulates this industry so most products are not tested against a control. Without a control to compare it to, there is no way of knowing if a product is safe or not, and certainly no proof that the product does what it's advertised to do. If a product was tested and found to "cure dry skin" then this would be considered a drug and therefore subject to FDA approval.
We seem to want a contradiction when it comes to beauty products: we want them to be safe, but we don't want to test them accurately (by using animals as subjects) to prove they actually are safe. Who ends up losing out?

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